Posts Tagged: self

Clayburn’s Big Adventure

Those of you who know me know that I’m not a fan of doing things. So, my behavior last night was greatly out of character. It was brought about by a gentleman’s agreement between myself and a co-worker. Sam, a paid search specialist, would often suggest I go out to strip clubs. I would decline and counter-suggest he go to a Broadway musical. So, we struck a deal that one night in the near future I would treat him to a musical and he would….

I Want a Stalker

The Internet has corrupted and destroyed much. Perhaps the most unfortunate consequence of our information superhighway is the loss of a once great art form. I’m of course referring to stalking. In the days of old, being a stalker meant something. It took patience, skills and sometimes lock-picking. That was a time when privacy was a thing, something new generations who are born with a Facebook account will never know. Now anyone and everyone is a stalker. The definition has become loose, and the mere….

With May coming to an end, I’ve decided to recount it through poetry. This poem was crafted using only queries from my search history (via Google) for the month of May. Enjoy. May Googles timeology mayan calendar infinity symbol valentine’s day massacre raw file system mr sean bean brickbeards bounty joe pesci ice cream luis guzman and john leguziamo all but my life michael crichton micro coming soon billboards funny diseases pobrecita possessive mine and someone else’s lame twitter profile topanga blacktags is golan a….


Socrates said that the unexamined life isn’t worth living. I’m not a fan of the guy myself, but this idea has always intrigued me. I may not be interpreting it correctly since I’m not much of a reader. I don’t know where it came from or why he said it. And perhaps the context matters. But it doesn’t matter to me because I don’t care what Socrates thought about it. I care what I think, and I’ll tell you what I think. To me, to….

Reading Stuff

This blog post goes out to all you illiterate types out there. If this were a song, it would be your song. I’m not a big fan of books. It’s a matter of principle, really. They’re archaic. We have movies now. There’s simply no excuse to have to read something. Yes, I know. The typical argument for books is “You get so much more out of a book! That’s why the book version is always better than the movie version.” Well, that’s why God invented….

I’ve been in New York City for nearly 3 years now. The tourist stuff hasn’t been high on my to-do list. They all seem like something I can get around to anytime, so I’ve been procrastinating. However, this past weekend I finally went to the top of the Empire State Building. The most important tip is spend the extra money for an express pass. The express pass is a must! Without it, the wait would be insufferable. It’s about $20 extra, but well worth it…..

A few years ago the world was introduced to a woman it had no business knowing. A small-minded beauty pageant winner turned governor enthusiastically hopped onto the political stage. She was as unpolished as moose excrement and nearly as popular. That didn’t stop the GOP from making a shameless appeal to the worst of their base by choosing Sarah Palin as their 2008 nominee for Vice President. She lost. Going Rogue Despite her failure, she went on to quit her job as governor. That would….

I despise all these self-centered surveys that float around blogs, bulletins and notes. But this one presented an intriguing challenge. So, here it goes. (The Beatles should be an easy one. I’d like to see someone go with ABBA.) Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on and include me. You can’t use the band/singer I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost as “My life according to (band/singer name).”

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