Posts Tagged: Google

With May coming to an end, I’ve decided to recount it through poetry. This poem was crafted using only queries from my search history (via Google) for the month of May. Enjoy. May Googles timeology mayan calendar infinity symbol valentine’s day massacre raw file system mr sean bean brickbeards bounty joe pesci ice cream luis guzman and john leguziamo all but my life michael crichton micro coming soon billboards funny diseases pobrecita possessive mine and someone else’s lame twitter profile topanga blacktags is golan a….

I’ve Googled many things in my life; it’s just one of my many talents. However, I’ve never had a need to search for a search engine. It makes sense. If someone has the means to search for a search engine, then they really don’t need to look any further. I was curious, though, being in an industry that’s obsessed with search engine rankings. Who would rank #1 for “search engine”? Well, here’s the search engine results page (SERP):

Don’t bother looking over your shoulder; it would do you no good.  This is the kind of stalking that a can of mace cannot protect you from.  It’s known as “Googling”. Trey McLeskey can find out information on just about anyone by using only two websites:  Google and Facebook.  The recent trend of online activity is quickly eliminating any and all privacy.  Soon, people like Trey will be able to know everything about you with a few strokes of the keyboard.

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