Posts Tagged: feminism

Women Aren’t Asking For It

I always hear accusations that women don’t make as much money as men. “Women get paid seventy cents for every dollar a man gets paid for the SAME job!” I don’t see why they hired the woman in the first place if they already had someone doing that job. But hey, she was cheap. Is discrimination really as rampant as people make it sound? Apparently the facts are on their side. It’s a given that women in similar positions make less on average than their….

A list was given to mankind, not from on high, despite “Legalize Marijuana” being the first item on this list of steps for a better world. I prepared this list with the intention of writing a follow up essay (at the very least) on each of the suggestions. As the list is in no particular order, so too are my essays delving into the individual topics. This is my first go at an essay from my list of steps for a better world, and it….

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